Earthquaker Devices Hummingbird

User Reviews of the Earthquaker Devices Hummingbird

  • Submitted by Steven from Fulton, NY (6 points) on Jul 9, 2013
  • I had decided to get back to making music and whilst I was getting my pedals out of storage I realized I had never picked up a tremolo. It's something i've always wanted in my chain because they can create some seriously cool sounds.

    I went to a local shop and was pretty won over by what this thing can do. It's got two modes handled by a small switch. The first mode are slower more deliberate "chops" to your sound. The second mode really increases the speed to the point where you're almost getting drone like tones.

    If you work it right and depending on where it is in your chain you can get everything from crazy fast chops like a helicopter or slower more deliberate pulse sounds.

    The price will certainly be a put off for a lot of people but I feel like I got my money's worth out of it.
  • Good Points: - Can add a wide variety of sounds to your mix - Nice control over the speed, especially with the divide between the two modes - Well built, sturdy
  • Bad Points: - Price can be a sticking point
  • Price Paid: US$145.00
  • Purchased At: Gorham Brothers Music - Syracuse
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