Barber Tone Press

User Reviews of the Barber Tone Press

  • Submitted by Paul from Chico, CA (48 points) on Dec 12, 2005
  • All in all not a bad pedal, but it's not exactly as advertised. It says there's no *pop* when you input a loud enough signal for the compression to kick in, but that's not true. It's a short pop, but it's there. Also, it's really treble-y. It does have a trim pot on the inside though, to kind of "round" the sound out a little bit, but it hardly seems to help. Get one if you can't afford a Keeley Compressor or an EH Black Finger.
  • Good Points: Decent compression, for a fair price. Super durable.
  • Bad Points: it *pop*s.
  • Price Paid: US$146.00
  • Purchased At:
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