Ibanez Delay HD-1500

User Reviews of the Ibanez Delay HD-1500

  • Submitted by Adrian from Raleigh, NC (274 points) on Mar 29, 2002
  • An 80's rackmount digital delay/harmonizer. Has about 500ms of delay. There are a few tricks though. For one, it is one of the few delays that has a effects loop in the feedback line for the delay. So you can put a delay, distortion, or a pitch shifter, etc in the feedback loop, and the effect will be applied again on each repeat. The gain of the feedback can be adjusted inside so that the feedback level is equal to or higher than the input, for instance oscillation. The delay also allows you to set it to 0 millisecond delays, making it basically a switchable feedback loop. The harmonizer is +/- an octave, and very digital and grainy. It's main weirdness is that it sends signal though the feedback loop. A delay in the feedback loop and a slight detune creates great "wave of noise slowly lowering pitch into goo". The delay and the harmonizer have an oscilator for simple chorus/flange and tremolo effects. The rate doesnt get particularly fast though. It's a mono device. I belive it is actually 8bit, and the delays dont have a lot of fidelity to them. Lots of newer delay pedals have better sound.
  • Good Points: delay feedback is great for making interesting noises. osc+harmonizer can be used for "real vibrato". cheap.
  • Bad Points: low fidelity sound. no presets. buttons to inc/dec delay time more annoying than useful
  • Price Paid: US$40.00
  • Purchased At: ebay
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