Boss Bass Limiter LM-2B

User Reviews of the Boss Bass Limiter LM-2B

  • Submitted by grizzlor from Springfield, PA (736 points) on Jan 29, 2006
  • So, your thinking, why would i need a bass limiter for? Well here's your answer...ever run a signal through a distortion pedal, only to run it through another distortion pedal and you get this muddy mess that has a potential to be really harsh? Then put this in between the two distortions, putting the harshest one last, and dial in the threshold around the 9' o'clock area(or to taste). If you dial it higher you can pretty much remove a large portion of your bass, and can get real shrill, ear piercing/head throbbing highs! Though it certainly has it uses, i bring it out on a rainy day only, not necessarily a huge part of my rig, if it were to break, i would'nt waste the $ unless i got it for the price i did...
  • Good Points: limits amount of mud, ear piercing highs, high quality boss pedal.
  • Bad Points: shinny gold plate? Pimp's your noise rig up nicely...too much bass limiting at points.
  • Price Paid: US$25.00
  • Purchased At: ebay
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