Electro Harmonix Big Muff Deluxe

User Reviews of the Electro Harmonix Big Muff Deluxe

  • Submitted by fran from Nottingham (68 points) on Mar 11, 2005
  • I got my 1970s Deluxe Big Muff for some dirty inspiration and did i get it! all the controls seem interactive very much like a valve amplifier, so you need to spend time with this pedal, its got a lot to offer, you just gotta find it. The compression is also impressive, very warm, and compliments the fuzz well when used together. the compression salvages some musical clarity out of the fuzzed-madness! A great pedal warm, nasty, leftfield and rich. Sounds better than the new models to my ears and if you get the chance try one.
  • Good Points: Classic tones, classic pedal, warm compression, 240 plug and can get as nasty as you want.
  • Bad Points: Expensive? considering its vintage, not sure. no battery option may bother some people.
  • Price Paid: US$0.00
  • Purchased At: second hand music store
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