Keeley Compressor

User Reviews of the Keeley Compressor

  • Submitted by Paul from Chico, CA (48 points) on Dec 12, 2005
  • Ooh, I really like this one. Great smooth compression that hardly alters the sound going into it at all. It has that *pop* that old compressors have, but it's almost usable for good attack on whatever you're inputting. Has a lot of gain too. Use it to drive your signal for the rest of your pedals to react nicer. Oh, and it's small. That wins points with me.
  • Good Points: Wonderfully transparent compression with a tolerable *pop* and louds of output. Space-saving!
  • Bad Points: None really. It's what everthing says about it.
  • Price Paid: US$229.00
  • Purchased At:
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