Arion Parametric EQ SPE-1

User Reviews of the Arion Parametric EQ SPE-1

  • Submitted by Gabriel from St, John's (28 points) on Nov 2, 2006
  • I got this free with another pedal. For noise purposes it's a glorified signal splitter (which it does alright. Although you can get some kinda-static-y sounds when turning the knobs, it's too much work for too little gain. I'll keep this for splitting signals, but I wouldn't go out and buy it
  • Good Points: - stereo outs - some decent weirdness when turning the knobs in a fback loop
  • Bad Points: - not very useful for noise in itself - gets lost easily in a long chain and adds little at the end
  • Price Paid: US$0.00
  • Purchased At: Ebay (came with something else)
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