Ibanez Twin Cam Chorus TC10

Ibanez Twin Cam Chorus TC10

Through the use of dual modulation, the TC10 allows deeper and more realistic chorusing than the SC10 without as much chance of offensive side effects such as phase shifts (causing amplitude drops at regular intervals), out of tune notes or chords and periodic sweeps unrelated to the tempo of the music. By modulating at 2 different speeds and depths simultaneously, less depth or width (change in delay time) is needed to create and obvious effect. The TC10 is the very best effect you can use to create a stereo image using two amps.

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User Reviews of the Ibanez Twin Cam Chorus TC10

  • Submitted by Albert from East Greenwich, RI (114 points) on Nov 16, 2007
  • On the surface this unit is ok at best. They are cheap enough so that you can do the needed modifications without breaking the bank and end up with a pedal that is far superior to almost anything else of its kind. The TC-10 uses either mono or stereo outputs with dual speed chorusing. Think Boss-CE2 but with more warm and less sparkle. This pedal in its original state will gobble up signal and do little if any chorusing. I took mine to a local pedal tech (www.myspace.com/bsharpmusic) in Providence, Rhode Island. He removed the notch filtering in the gain and output stages which allowed the pedal to effectively chorus again. Next the input and output caps were upgraded to allow for better signal flow and a little more brightness than what was initially in the pedal. *Thanks Dave* After these mods this is probably one of the best chorus pedals I have used. It can be very subtle, like a Jaco Pastorius sound, or straight up insane, like a leslie on amphetamines. By having dual speed modes it's possible to create two different tempos when running in stereo. Couple this with a solid stereo delay and you can create some cool arpeggiator type sounds. Other things of note on this are it's the japanese of ibanez from the late 80's (quality stuff), the knobs seem a little fragile as I don't think it would survive too many drops on a hard floor (put it in your pedalboard) and it is not true bypass but with the right mods it won't chew up your signal. Overall for about 90 bucks I got a unique, warm stereo chorus that has earned it's place in my effects loop.
  • Good Points: Cheap pedal, most go for 40 bucks or less on ebay. Great sound after some basic mods, warms up all the pedals I run before it. Sweet dual mode chorus coupled with mono/stereo outputs is a very nice feature, if used right it will make some nice rotary style sounds.
  • Bad Points: Bad signal loss and weak chorusing unless notch filters and caps are upgraded. Not an incredibly sprakley or sharp sounding chorus. If you like the sound of the CE-2 this is one is not for you. Bad design for battery box, the clip often falls inside the housing. Solution is to use a Power-all or One-spot.
  • Price Paid: US$40.00
  • Purchased At: Bought off a co-worker
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